Shiv Works

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Discover the key patterns of all criminal assaults

Learn how to identify and navigate high-risk situations with greater awareness and confidence.

Meet the Instructor: Craig Douglas

Develop the Art of Prevention

Stopping a confrontation before it starts is often said to be the best practice, but how do you actually do it?

Our exclusive course, “Managing Unknown Contacts,” transforms theoretical “soft skills” into actionable techniques for keeping situations from escalating. 

What Sets This Course Apart

While traditional self-defense courses often focus on physical confrontation, “Managing Unknown COntacts” emphasizes the critical soft skills needed to de-escalate situations.

This course makes these skills ACTIONABLE, teaching you how to train and apply techniques that stop conflicts before they get physical.

verbal strategies

What to say to assert your boundaries confidently and effectively.

hand positioning

Practical hand movements to signal non-aggression while staying prepared to defend yourself.

body movement

Subtle yet powerful language techniques to maintain distance and deter potential threats.


This course is realistic and simple.

That means that it has actual value in self-defense. I would recommend that anyone wanting to get better than you currently are to take it. Inexperienced, experienced, and instructors alike will benefit from it.


Another great course by Craig Douglas.

Its a great course for end user as a civilian to manage unknown contacts, or to integrate as an instructor into female defense classes or even adapt to an in service training for police.


A great reference tool

Nothing beats actually attending ECQC- but the knowledge gleaned from this course is the next best thing. Thank you Craig for continuing to fight the good fight!